After having been voted Nanaimo’s sexiest councillor, Don Bonner should really take more care with his dabs. I mean, honestly. What the fuck is this?! Come On. D- | |
Jesus, dude, relax. It’s just a kids’ dance thing. Nobody expected you to take it this seriously. YIKES. Way Too Much. C+ | |
Now THIS is a dab-worthy post. Casual, untucked shirt, non-commital left hand pose. This screams “Is this good? Meh. I couldn’t care less.” The perfect dab attitude. The Right Stuff. B+ | |
Um… uh…. this is WHAT, exactly? Complete Fail. D- | |
“Everybody was Kung Fu fighting…” Solid Effort. B- | |
Reasonably good hand placement. Head looks straight ahead. Definitely a solid attempt of a keener. Adorable. B+ | |
I mean, holy shit. The form, the stance, even the subtlety of the slight left-hand upward curve. His worship’s world-renowned muscular form clearly makes him the superior candidate here. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. A+ |
We get it. NanaimoNewsNOW does not vote NDP. 🤣
[original article]