We reported on 86 breaking news stories in 2019. Here were the top 10 most-read:
NDP Approves Vehicle Bridge to Mainland: NanaimoBeacon.com/bridge/
Ousted Nanaimo councillors still unaware of electoral defeat: NanaimoBeacon.com/hongfuller/
Nanaimo Public Works Admits They’re “Just Fucking With” the South End Now: NanaimoBeacon.com/construction/
Nanaimo to add fourth garbage bin for “lady products”: NanaimoBeacon.com/ladybins/
Former MLA candidate Tony Harris totally not returning to his job as real estate speculator: NanaimoBeacon.com/tonyharris/
BC Transit announces “massive expansion” in Nanaimo bus coverage: NanaimoBeacon.com/newtransit/
Mayor Krog’s Emergency Message to Citizens: NanaimoBeacon.com/krogwall/
$430M garbage truck fund to include child-run Bin Compliance Program: NanaimoBeacon.com/childprogram/
SD68 Launches “SharpKids” Needle Pickup Program: NanaimoBeacon.com/sharpkids/
Local homosexuals use floating orbs to coat downtown with gay film: NanaimoBeacon.com/gayfilm/
RCMP to issue safety vests to B&E suspects: NanaimoBeacon.com/vests/
While we’ll be shutting down in mid-Spring, we enjoyed being part of your news diet in 2019. ❤️